Thursday, December 20, 2012


Today I felt like my future was ripped out from underneath me. I went to a college today to see about their Medical Assisting program, and let me tell you the school was amazing, and the program was perfect. It was a perfect fit for me until I went to the financial aide office to see about a pell grant, and since I got married this year I had to include both of our incomes and even though we made LESS than 40,000$ I do not qualify for a grant. I know there are people out there with worse problems, trust me I know. But it scares me half to death to get a loan. I have been praying and praying and I just don't know what to do. I don't want to jump into this and screw up again. I jump into things and mess up, and I just don't want to do that here. I want to make something of myself, but I don't want to screw up by going into debt. I am just so conflicted. I honestly don't know what to do.


  1. I know what you mean. I had to make this choice too. I just really prayed about it. I did decide to to the and all. Yes it still scares me and I too am guilty of getting myself into some messes. I seem to make choices based on certain emotions, HA BUT I am glad and very thankful to have the opportunity to be back in college even if the loans scare me to death. I just try not to worry and give my worries to God :)

    1. I decided to take the leap and sign up for school. I prayed about it and it just seemed like he was leading me in that direction. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Hey Heather! I just wanted to let you know that I had to change the link-up for the NC Bloggers hop, and I just wanted to invite you to repost your link one more time! I'd love to have you back on the list!

